Parfitt Papers – Box 1
This material deals with matter relating to Parfitt’s study of the impact of Local Initiative Funding on community mental health services and his work with community mental health in Vancouver and, specifically, in the Kitsilano neighbourhood.
1. SAFER (Suicide Attempt Follow-up, Evaluation and Research) Survey [Blank]
4. Loma Lodge Survey [Completed]
5. Coast Foundation Survey [Completed]
6. Vancouver Emotional Emergency Centre Survey [Completed]
7. “Psychiatry and the Local Initiatives Program,” A paper by Hugh Parfitt concerning the L.I.P and its impact on the field of Psychiatry. (uses the Surveys listed above) Aug 13 1974
8. A letter from Hugh Parfitt to Cam Mackie requesting help with the above paper. July 12 1974
9. Cam Mackie’s reply to the above letter. July 17 1974
10. Blank copy of Hugh Parfitt’s Questionnaire for the “Psychiatry and the L.I.P. paper” with a generic letter explaining the questionnaire. July 8 1974
12. “Summary of Statistical Data from the Local Initiatives Program (1972-73),” by the Federal Government. English Copy.
13. “Résumé des Données Statistiques Relatives au Programme des Initiatives Locales (1972-1973),” par la gouvernement fédéral. Copier Française.
14. “Some place to stay when you’re hurting,” a newspaper clipping about the Vancouver Emotional Emergency Centre.
15. “The Vancouver Emotional Emergency Centre and Drugs,” a message from V.E.E.C. Staff and Volunteers outlining the V.E.E.C.’s Drug policy.
16. “The Vancouver Emotional Emergency Centre,” an outline of the V.E.E.C. June 3 1974.
17. “Overview of the Local Initiatives Program,” written after the program’s ending.
18. “Statement by the Minister,” overview of the L.I.P. from the federal government written before the program’s beginning
19. “L.I.P. Impact on Communities and Employees Vol. 1,” a study by the University of Calgary assessing the impact and effectiveness of the L.I.P.
20. “S.A.F.E.R.: A follow-up Service for Attempted Suicide in Vancouver,” a paper assessing the effectiveness of the S.A.F.E.R. project”
22. “Greater Vancouver Mental Health Project: Progress Report,” January 21 1974.
23. “Greater Vancouver Mental Health Project: Salary Scales,” overview of G.V.M.H.P. salaries – April 11 1973.
24. “Greater Vancouver Mental Health Project: Budget Estimate for April 1 1973-March 31 1974.”
25. “The Greater Vancouver Mental Health Project,” Information Brochure.
26. Abstract for Dr. Parfitt’s Presentation at the VI World Congress of Psychiatry, titled “Working with a Patients’ self-help organisation”
27. Abstract for Dr. Parfitt’s paper with the title “Working with a Patients’ Self-help Organisation.”
28. “Kitsilano Area Resources Association,” newsletter for Kitsilano residents; relevant pages only – May 1973.
29. Blank questionnaire for residents of Kitsilano.
30. “Are mental health clinics trail blazers or just a garden path?,” article from the GRAPE – May 23 – June 5 1973.
31. Two pages taken from the May/June edition of In a Nutshell – 1973.
32. “Mental health committee urges Kits centre mobility,” article from The Vancouver Sun – July 25 1973.
33. “Mental health clinics trailblazers,” article from unknown source – May 17 1973.
34. “Mental Health Act changes,” article from the Western Voice – November 21 1973.
35. “Back alley route to mental care,” Article from The Vancouver Sun – December 8 1973.
36. “News Release: Community Mental Health On Kitsilano,” – May 4 1973.
37. “Need for Crisis Hostels in the Kitsilano Area,” short paper from the M.P.A. expressing the need for crisis hostels.
39. “Kitsilano Mailing List,” – May 1 1973.
40. “Summary of Meeting, March 21 1973, on Community Mental Health Centres [in Kitsilano region].”
41. “Kitsilano Citizen’s Committee for Mental Health: Budget Proposal,” with some handwritten adjustments.
42. “Kitsilano Citizen’s Committee for Mental Health,” overview of meeting held on June 5 1973.
43. “General Meeting of the Citizen’s committee of the Greater Vancouver Mental Health Project,” handout given at meeting on June 5 1973 with some handwritten notes and an attendance list.
44. “Community Mental Health,” small flyer advertising a public meeting held on May 16 197-.
45. Leaflet given out at public meeting on community mental health held on May 16 197-.
46. “Kitsilano Citizen’s Committee for Mental Health,” overview of meeting held on July 16 1973.
47. “Kitsilano Citizen’s Committee for Mental Health,” overview of meeting held on May 22 1973.
50. Agenda and Minutes of August 27 1973 meeting of Kitsilano Citizen’s Committee on Mental Health.
51. Agenda of September 10 1973 meeting of K.C.C.M.H.
52. Agenda and minutes of October 9 1973 meeting of K.C.C.M.H.
53. Agenda and Minutes of Sept. 24 1973 meeting of K.C.C.M.H.
54. “Brief on Citizen Participation,” paper/memo for K.C.C.M.H. members.
56. Agenda and minutes for October 22 1973 meeting of K.C.C.M.H.
57. Agenda for November 19 1973 meeting of K.C.C.M.H.
58. Minutes for November 5 1973 meeting of K.C.C.M.H.
59. Proposed agenda (with handwritten additions) and minutes for Jan 21 1974 meeting of K.C.C.M.H.
60. Proposed agenda (with handwritten additions for February 11 1974 meeting of K.C.C.M.H.
61. “Brief: The Composition and role of Citizens’ (Community) Committees,” paper/memo discussing the role of Citizens’ Committees.
62. Letter from K.C.C.M.H. asking Kitsilano residents whether they are moving, so that K.C.C.M.H. might be able to use their home as an office – October 22 1973.
63. Overview of the Community Advisory Board on Mental Health Services in Kitsilano.
64. Letter to Dr. Bonham from F.G. Tucker “re: Kitsilano budget” – written October 20 1973.
65. Letter to Dr. Bonham from F.G. Tucker “re: Kitsilano budget” – written October 23 1973.
66. Speech discussing founding of K.C.C.M.H.
67. “Mental health citizen committee ignored,” article from The Grape – July 18 1973.