About Movie Monday
This section provides an overview of Movie Monday and Bruce Saunders. Here you can find a description of Movie Monday, and a chronological list of some of the ways Movie Monday was defined over the years. How was Movie Monday financed? We prepared a brief overview of the finances. In later years Movie Monday’s thrifty annual budget had grown to approximately $30,000CAD for 55 to 60 events a year.
Each year we had to write both funding proposals as well as reports to the funders and we selected some examples from those reports to share descriptions of the program objectives as well as descriptions of the curatorial criteria and film selection processes at different times over its history.
The Canada Council For The Arts application for funding (1999) for our first Reel Madness Film Festival is a good overview of what MM was all about at the time, a good case for doing what we were proposing. Might be a model for a successful application to Canada Council, if perhaps more than required. Our relationship with Canada Council eventually led to a $100,000 over 4 years commitment in 2019.
Full lists of every film presented is listed chronologically as well as alphabetically. The Society’s Constitution is included as well as our homemade wheelbarrow logo. Finally, we include a few selected writings about the program and Bruce, written by Bruce’s wife and also an early writing from collaborator Bruce Wallace. [Much more in the print media and video areas]