Articles / Chapters

Articles / Chapters


Backhouse, Constance. ‘The White Women’s Labour Laws: Anti-Chinese Racism in Early Twentieth Century Canada’, Law and History Review 14 (1996): 315-68.  

Brant, Clare. “Native Issues.” In Quentin Rae-Grant (ed.). Images in Psychiatry: Canada. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1996: 91-94. 

Christie, Laird and Joel M. Halpern. “Temporal Constructs and Inuit Mental Health.” Social Science and Medicine 30:6 (1990): 739-749. 

Clarke, C.K. “The Defective and Insane Immigrant.” Bulletin of the Ontario Hospitals for the Insane 1:2 (July, 1908): 3-22. 

(Editorial) “Immigration of Defectives.” Bulletin of the Ontario Hospitals for the Insane 3:2 (March, 1909): 47-50.  

Harper, V. “Them crazy Indians.” In Bonnie Burstow and Don Weitz (eds.). Shrink Resistant: The Struggle Against Psychiatry in Canada. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1988: 121-125. 

Iacovetta, Franca. “Making ‘New Canadians’: Social Workers, Women and the Reshaping of Immigrant Families.” In Gender Conflicts: New Essays in Women’s History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992. 

Menzies, Robert. “Governing Mentalities: The Deportation of ‘Insane’ and ‘Feebleminded’ Immigrants out of British Columbia from Confederation to World War II.” Canadian Journal of Law and Society 13:2 (Fall, 1998): 135-173.

Menzies, Robert. “Race, Reason and Regulation: British Columbia’s Mass Exile of Chinese ‘Lunatics’ Aboard the Empress of Russia, 9 February 1935.” In John McLaren, Robert Menzies and Dorothy E. Chunn (eds.). Regulating Lives: Historical Essays on the State, Society, the Individual and the Law. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press, 2002. 

Menzies, Robert and Ted Palys. “Turbulent Spirits: Aboriginal Patients in the British Columbia Psychiatric System.” In James E. Moran and David Wright (eds.). Mental Health and Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives. McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montréal- Kingston), 2005. 

Vermette, Lionel. “The 33 Years of the Lost Indian Walk.” In Bonnie Burstow and Don Weitz (eds.). Shrink Resistant: The Struggle Against Psychiatry in Canada. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1988: 117-120. 

Walker, James W. St. G. “A Case for Morality: The Quong Wing Files.” In Franca Iacovetta and Wendy Mitchinson (eds.). On the Case: Explorations in Social History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998: 204-223.