Vol 2: 1981-82

Phoenix Rising, Vol 2: 1981-1982

Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 1981: From Kingston Psychiatric to City Hall– “Don’t Spyhole Me,” (Journal) by David Reville; Update on Kingston Psychiatric Hospital; Access to medical records; Profiles – People First; Book Reviews; Poetry.

Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer 1981: Kids and Psychiatry; Thistletown; Kids and the Law; Incest; Drugging – Ritalin; Annotated Antipsychiatry Bibliography; Psychiatric Inmates Liberation Directory; Book Reviews; Poetry.

Vol. 2, No. 3, Fall 1981: The Anti-Psychiatry Movement; History of the Movement; 9th International Conference (Cleveland); International Year of Disabled Persons; Drugs; Canadian Groups; Profiles – Kendal Russell; Book reviews; Poetry.

Vol.2, No.4, Spring 1982: The Ellerton Request; The Phoenix Pheather; Conference Announcement; Giant Fold-Out Legal Chart; The Aged; Comeback from Psycho-Surgery.