Phoenix Rising, Vol 3: 1982-83
Vol. 3, No. 1, Aug./Sept 1982: Tenth International Conference (Toronto); Davis drug death/inquest; Paraldehyde; Class bias in psychiatry; Profiles– Steve Stapleton; Book Reviews; Poetry.
Vol. 3, No. 2, November 1982: The Housing Crisis; Housing, Not Warehousing; Boarding Homes; Patient-run residence; housing facts; Declaration of Principles; Shock Death – Lynette Miller; Tardive Dyskinesia Epidemic; Profiles– Margaret Gibson; File Review– “Titicott Follies’; Book Reviews; Poetry.
Vol. 3, No. 3, Winter 1983: Schizophrenia, Exploding the Myth; Personal stories by ex-inmates; The CIA and Mind Control (excepts from book by John Marks); Moditen (Prolixin); Consent to treatment; Mental Health and Violence Against Women (feminist statement ex-inmate women); Profiles– David Oaks; Shock Doctor List (Canadian); Annotated Anti-Psychiatry Bibliography; Book Reviews; Poetry.
Vol. 3, No. 4, Spring 1983: Death by Psychiatry, Part I; Report on 8 deaths in NY State psychiatric institutions by Allen Markman; Profiles– Hope Scoville, Phyllis Moss; On Our Own: Self-Help Model; A Draft Bill of Rights for
Psychiatric Inmates in Canada (On Our Own); Neuroleptics; List of Anti-Psychiatry groups; Book Reviews; Poetry.