Theses / Unpublished
Psychiatry and Psychology
Adeponle, A. Use of cultural consultation to resolve uncertainty of psychosis diagnosis in ethno-cultural minority and immigrant patients. Unpublished MSc thesis, McGill University, 2010. Thesis studies ethno-cultural minority and immigrant patients and discusses the problem of misdiagnosis in North America for this patient group.
Allen, Thomas. Someone to talk to: Care and Control of the homeless. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1997. Thesis discusses the life experiences of the homeless in BC and their life histories.
Angelomatis, Cheryl Sue. Canadian insanity defence reform: Capturing a new spirit of McNaughtan. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1983. Thesis discusses the insanity defence through a legal, medical, social and political lens and considers the evolution of legal doctrines of criminal responsibility.
Baehre, Rainer. The Ill-Regulated Mind: A Study in the Making of Psychiatry in Ontario, 1830- 1920. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, York University, 1985.
Ballance, Dina L. Research Education in Canadian Psychiatry Residence Programs: A Survey. Unpublished MSc thesis, Memorial University, 2003. Thesis discusses psychiatry programs and how they incorporate research education into the curriculum. Also reviews a psychiatry residency program.
Barbopoulos, Anastasia. The Role of Culture in Perceptions of Psychological Disorder and Its Treatment. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Manitoba, 2001. Thesis discusses how first generation Chinese immigrant families in the Greater Toronto Area deal with family members with Schizophrenia.
Bouchard, Gilles. L’hôpital psychiatrique en changements. Thèse de maîtrise en sociologie, Université Laval, 1971.
Boxenbaum, E. The partnership metaphor in Quebec health care policy: The decision-making process with cognitively impaired elderly clients in home care. Unpublished MSW thesis, McGill University, 2001. Thesis discusses the partnership metaphor and how it has been used in the policy and practice of health care in Quebec.
Boys, John F. The Birth of a Community Mental Health Clinic. M.S.W. Report: University of Toronto, 1953.
Broderick. Lindsay. The disposition of not criminally responsible accused persons in British Columbia: The impact of the Winko case on the decision-making process of the British Columbia Review Board. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2006. Thesis discusses the impact of the Supreme court ruling in the Winko case, which granted absolute discharge, on the BC Review Board. Considers Bill C-30 legislation.
Carten, Ron, Representatives, Informed Consent and Psychiatric Rights: Participatory Action Research by Psychiatric Patients in Vancouver, BC, Unpublished research paper, 2016. Paper reports on the findings of a working group of persons who had been treated in the psychiatric system and conducted focus groups around the question of representation agreements for patients who do not have the right of informed consent to treatment.
Coates, Jacqueline S. “I wouldn’t tell them anything personal”: Women’s experience of psychiatric intervention. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1997. Thesis considers women’s experience of the psychiatric system as a source of oppression, including psychiatric ideology, treatment, stigmatization. Also presents stories of how women resisted the psychiatric system.
Crisanti, Annette S. A Descriptional Longitudinal Cohort Study of Involuntary Psychiatric Inpatients. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Calgary, 1998. Thesis considers the differences in outcomes of involuntary versus voluntary hospitalization and discusses the gender and socio-demographic profiles of patients who are involuntarily hospitalized.
Czaika, Gabrielle. The Social Construction of Female Criminality: Women, Mental Health, and the Criminal Justice System. Unpublished MA thesis, Concordia University, 2001. Thesis discusses the ideology behind decisions regarding whether individuals go to mental health facilities or penal institutions and considers the role of the social construction of gender in this process.
Davidson, Lisa A. Social Hopelessness and Psychological Adjustment in Stressful Life Situations. Unpublished PhD thesis, York University, 1997. Thesis discusses the connection between social hopelessness and depression and consider postpartum depression among women.
DeLottinville, Carl B. The Asylum for the Insane: A Study of the History of Institutional Care and Treatment of the Mentally Ill in Ontario, 1820 to 1900. M.S.W. Research Report: McGill University, 1975.
Dickinson, Harley D. Community Psychiatry: The Transformation of Psychiatric Work. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis: University of Lancaster, 1984.
Dubé, Viateur. Bibliographie sur la préhistoire de la psychiatrie canadienne au dix-neuvième siècle, Trois-Rivières, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Département de philosophie, 1976, 117 p.
Dyck, Erika. Psychedelic Psychiatry: LSD and Post-World War II Medical Experimentation. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, McMaster University, 2005.
Evans, D. A. From adolescence to adulthood: A study of the relationship between social factors and outcome for young psychiatric patients. Unpublished MSW thesis, University of British Columbia, 1990. Thesis aims to construct a profile of young people admitted to the Adolescent Psychiatric Unit at Vancouver General hospital considering future chronic mental illness. Study was done in a community setting and discusses use of community resources.
Everett, Barbara Leader. A Fragile Revolution: Consumers and psychiatric survivors confront the power of the mental health system. PhD thesis, York University, 1997. Thesis discusses mental health reform, the involvement of ex-patients and practitioners, centering on the experiences of four individuals.
Farrally, Vicki Lea. An Analysis of Need Assessment in the Mental Health Context. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of British Columbia, 1975. This thesis discusses the use of needs analysis in the community mental health movement. Considers poverty in this community.
Francis, Daniel. That Prison on the Hill: The Historical Origins of the Lunatic Asylum in the Maritime Provinces. Unpublished MA thesis, Carleton University, 1975. Thesis discusses changing attitudes towards insanity in the early 19th century in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which in turn changed treatment and inspired the asylum. Considers the role of homelessness and poverty, as well as class inequalities and the number of immigrants within the asylum.
Gagnon, Nathalie C. Mental health screening in jails. Unpublished PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2009. Thesis discusses the legal necessity of screening for mental illness in jail and two tools that were developed to screen more effectively: Brief Jail Mental Health Screen and the Jail Screening Assessment.
Gendron, Jean-Philippe, Autour de la folie: essai sur Michel Foucault, Thèse de maîtrise en sociologie, Université Laval, 2003, 169 p.
Gingell, Christopher Robert. The criminalization of the mentally ill: An examination of the hypothesis. Unpublished PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1991. Thesis discusses the presence of mentally ill individuals in the criminal justice system and their criminalization as one consequence of deinstitutionalization.
Gordon, R.M. Mental disorders, law and state: A sociological analysis of the period of reform in Canadian mental health law. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, 1988. Thesis discusses legal reform in Canadian mental health laws and how it reflects changes in psychiatry, economy and human agency. Details development of community-based mental health resources following de-institutionalization.
Gordon, Robert Macaire. Legal services for mental health patients: a selective review of developments in legal aid/poverty law delivery with particular emphasis on Commonwealth jurisdictions. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1981. Thesis discusses recent developments in the mental health law and legal aid/ poverty law movements which have been dominated in Canada by the practitioner’s perceptions of patient needs and a fusion of interests involving the poverty law.
Grenier, Guy. L’implantation et les applications de la doctrine de la dégénérescence dans le champ de la médecine et de l’hygiène mentales au Québec entre 1885 et 1930, Thèse de maîtrise, Université de Montréal, 1990.
Grenville, Rita. Unspoken Voices: The Experiences and Preferences of Adult Mental Health Consumers Regarding Housing and Supports. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Calgary, 2000. Thesis examines the mental health consumer movement and the desire of consumers to have input into policy, sharing their experiences mental health, housing and the mental health system.
Hagman, Robert John. Mental illness, the mental health movement and the trend toward a therapeutic society. Unpublished MEd thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1974. Thesis examines the theories, assumptions and practices used to define, identify and classify mental illness.
Harabalja, Devon. The Experience of Going Through the Forensic Psychiatric System for Mentally Disordered Offenders: A Patient’s View on What Helps and What Hinders. Unpublished MA thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008. Thesis discusses the positive and negative experiences of patients in the Forensic Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital and presents recommendations at both the clinician and system levels for better patient services.
Harold, Alison May. Psychiatrists and nurses: A sociological study of psychiatric ideologies and practices in an institutional setting. Unpublished MA, Simon Fraser University, 1978. Thesis discusses therapeutic ideologies and practices at the Crease Clinic at BC’s Riverview Hospital and argues that differences in psychiatric ideology are based on gender.
Hodgins, Milner S. Psychopathy: A critical examination. Unpublished PhD thesis, McGill University, 1976. Thesis examines the notion of ‘psychopathy’, determining ‘psychopathy’ and the common procedures in the diagnostic process.
Jackson, Kevin. Victorian Madness in Ontario: A Mad People’s History of the Mimico Branch Asylum, 1882-1908, Major Research Paper for M.A., York University, 2016, 70 p. Taking a mad-centered perspective on institutional structures, policy and practice, and the experiences of patients, this paper reveals both institutional power and patient agency.
Jarvis, G.E. Emergency psychiatric treatment of immigrants with psychosis. Unpublished MSc, McGill University, 2002. Thesis discusses the different and biased treatment given by emergency psychiatric responders with regards to patients from a variety of different ethnic backgrounds, including immigrants.
Johnson, Cornelia. A History of Mental Health Care in Manitoba: A Local Manifestation of an International Social Movement. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1980. Thesis discusses the development of the mental health system in Manitoba, from the institution to community care, considering changes in psychiatry and treatment, disillusionment with the asylum system and the move to community care.
Josewski, Viviane. Lost in translation? A critical exploration of Aboriginal mental health reform in the Interior Health. Unpublished MSc, Simon Fraser University, 2009. Thesis examines Aboriginal mental health reform, in particular looking at Indigenous participation and considering cultural appropriate mental health models.
Katz, Y. Configuring crisis: Writing, madness, and the middle voice. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, 2000. Thesis examines literature and the concept of reflective middle voice in mad writing.
Keating, Peter. L’institutionnalisation de la psychiatrie au Québec de 1800 à 1914, Thèse de doctorat (Histoire), Université de Montréal, 1986.
Kendall, Kathleen A. Gender Differences in Psychiatric Service Utilization in Saskatchewan. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 1987.
Krasnick, Cheryl Lynn. Insanity as a Reflection of Morality and Social Values in Nineteenth Century Canada: The London, Ontario Asylum for the Insane, 1870-1902. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1981. Thesis examines patients at the Ontario Asylum for the Insane/ London Psychiatric Hospital, discussing the types of people who were committed, the administrators, and contemporary ideas about insanity and treatment, gender roles, sexuality and family life.
Kuelker, Eric. Helping and Stigmatization of Persons with Mental Disorders. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Manitoba, 1996. Thesis discusses Weiner’s theory of stigmatization and how perceived notions of controllability and dangerousness, combined with previous knowledge or experience with people with disabilities, imped the impulse to help.
Libbiter, A.P. Asylum, commitment, and psychiatric treatment in historical context. Unpublished MSW thesis, University of British Columbia, 1994. Thesis discusses the interaction of asylum-based care, the dominance of psychiatry, and mental health legislation and considers the consequences of these interactions. Thesis covers deinstitutionalization and the development of community-based alternatives to institutional care.
Macdonald, M. E. Hearing (unheard) voices: Aboriginal experiences of mental health policy in Montreal. Unpublished PhD thesis, McGill University, 2003. Thesis examines the mental health experiences of Indigenous people living in Montreal with regards to policy, and the lack of culturally-sensitive and holistic care services for them. Presents the life stories of three Indigenous Montreal residents.
MacDougall, Jan Patrice. Re-addressing Emotional Anguish: Critical Analysis of a University’s Mental Health Services. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 2009. Thesis discusses mental health and illness at universities with a particular focus on different ways to think about emotional anguish.
Mamak, Mini. Violence and Major Mental Illness. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 1997. Thesis examines the relationship between mental illness and violent behaviour, discussing the differences between substance abuse and delusional or affective disorders and the types of crimes committed. The gendered aspects of this topic are considered.
Marttinen, Terry. HERV-W Ecology of Psychosis: A New Prescription for Health, Equality and Citizenship in a Post-Genomic World. Unpublished research paper, Algoma University, 2012. Paper discusses eugenics and genetic research around the ancient human endogenous retroviruses, HERVs.
McCormick, Roderick Michael. The Facilitation of Healing for the First Nations People of British Columbia. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Victoria, 1994. Thesis discusses the mental health needs of First Nations peoples and considers what facilitates the healing process for the First Nations people in BC.
Moran, James E. Insanity, the Asylum and Society in Nineteenth Century Quebec and Ontario. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis: York University, 1998
Murphy, Steven A. Mental Health and the Workplace: A Multidisciplinary Examination of the Individual and Organizational Antecedents and Outcomes of Stress, Anxiety and Depressed Mood. Unpublished PhD thesis, Carleton University, 1995. Thesis studies a financial services organization and company hierarchies and discusses the mental health of the employees, especially with regards to stress, anxiety and depression.
Nijjar, Hartinderjeet. Improving community support programs for the mentally ill. Unpublished MPP, Simon Fraser University, 2009. Thesis examines the policy and the process of deinstitutionalization in order to suggest ways of increasing community support for those living with long-term mental illness.
Paskauskas, R. Andrew. Ernest Jones: A Critical Study of His Scientific Development (1896- 1913). Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis: University of Toronto, 1985.
Pols, Johannes C. The School as Laboratory: The Development of Psychology as a Discipline in Toronto, 1915-1955. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, York University, 1991.
Reiss, Jennifer Ann. From insanity to mental disorder: An exploration of the insanity defence in British Columbia before and after Bill C-30. Unpublished PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1997. Thesis discusses Bill C-30 (1992) and how the wording of the new legislation impacted legal use of the insanity defence.
Richardson, T.M.R. The Century of the child: The mental hygiene movement and social policy in the United States and Canada. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, 1987. Thesis discusses the various factors that went into play to create the mental hygiene movement across North America and considers the impact of the movement on health and social policy.
Rose, Linda Elizabeth. The Experiences of Families of Psychiatric Patients During Hospitalization: A Qualitative Study. Unpublished MSc, Dalhousie University, 1982. Thesis discusses the reaction of the family to a member’s hospitalization and communication issues between staff and family.
Sager, J. E. Medical students and psychiatry: The psychiatric clerkship as a medical and non-medical rotation. Unpublished MA thesis, McGill University, 1983. Thesis examines the experiences of medical students on their psychiatric clinical clerkship and considers medical concepts, procedures and practices that students must apply to this work.
Seager, John William. Mental institutions: Their structure, function and effectiveness. Unpublished MA, Simon Fraser University, 1973. Thesis discusses the shift from ‘total institution’ to community mental health programs with a focus on British Columbia.
Smandych, Russell Charles. The Rise of the Asylum in Upper Canada, 1830-1875: An Analysis of Competing Perspectives on Institutional Development in the Nineteenth Century. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1981. Thesis discusses the origin and development of the asylum, arguing that it was an institutional response to poverty but also created in order to impose social control on those considered deviant.
Smith, Kira. The Red Chair. Unpublished M.A. Research Project, Carleton University, 2018. Undergraduate reflection paper and novella employs creative writing alongside archival documents to reimagine to life of a female psychiatric patient at Brockville Asylum, Ontario over multiple decades throughout the first half of the twentieth century.
Stewart, S. L. Indigenous mental health: Canadian native counsellors’ narratives. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Victoria, 2007. Thesis discusses the importance of the cultural perspective in mental health services for the Indigenous people of Canada and describes the experiences of five Indigenous counsellors.
Thibault, K. Smoke and Mirrors: Reflections of policy and practice for those with a mental illness and who are in conflict with the law. Unpublished MSW thesis, McGill University, 2005. Thesis discusses mental health policy and the language of mental health policy which frames mental health patients in legal terms.
Tomlinson, Peter Brook. A Community Support System for the Chronically Mentally Disabled of Vancouver Island. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of British Columbia, 1979. Thesis presents and discusses existing regional community mental health services available, and gives recommendations for improvements. Notes mental health clients who are living in poverty.
Toth, Jean Laura. The role of selected personality characteristics in the prediction of psychiatric rehospitalization: Deinstitutionalization re-visited. Unpublished PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1992. Thesis examines a number of psychiatric patients and proposes patterns of re-hospitalization. Includes a brief history of deinstitutionalization and community care.
Trudeau, Tracey Lynn. Transition of Adolescent Students with Bipolar Disorder from Hospital to Receiving Schools: The Educational Aftercare Planning Process. Unpublished MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, 2000. Thesis discusses the educational needs of youth with Bipolar Disorder who have been hospitalized and the community-based support services used after their release from hospital.
Verlaan, Vincent Leo T. P. R. Riding the decentralization wave: Social control implications of youth mental health reform. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1991. Thesis is a critique of decentralization-centred reform at Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre, Coquitlam, BC.
White, Kimberley-Mair. Negotiating Responsibility: Representations of Criminality and Mind- state in Canadian Law, Medicine and Society, 1920-1950. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 2001. Thesis discusses the social, cultural, medical, and legal processes that shaped ideas about criminality between 1920 and 1950 and the creation of psychiatric expertise as a form of power over ‘the other’, i.e. gender, race, economically disadvantaged.
Wosilius, Monica. Eugenical Sterilization of Essondale Patients, 1930-1940. Unpublished M.A. Thesis: University of Victoria, 1996.
Yip, So-Han Seraphina. Social Workers’ and Physicans’ Experiences with Review Panels in British Columbia. Unpublished MSW thesis, University of British Columbia, 2002. Thesis discusses BC’s mental health review panels from the perspective of social workers and physicians.