The New Horizons Newsletter
For three years between 1947 and 1950, New Horizons in Mental Hygiene was the flagship newsletter for the New Vista Society. Ernest Winch oversaw the publication and circulation of this periodical, which addressed a wide spectrum of issues related to social justice, what was then called “mental hygiene”, and the circumstances of people diagnosed as “mentally ill” during the middle decades of the 20th century.

The articles appearing in these three surviving issues of New Horizons, made available through the generosity of the New Vista Society, resonate with the mental hygienist and social reformist perspectives embraced by Ernest Winch, his contemporaries and successors.
The topics canvassed here include the psychopathic hospital; sterilization of the “unfit”; perceived problem of “juvenile delinquency [as] a disease”; advice for the care of “tiny tots”; the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy; “the prevention of mental ill-health”; and the opening of the Crease Clinic for Psychological Medicine, on the grounds of Essondale Hospital in Coquitlam, on November 16, 1949.
Click on the title below to sample the contents of New Horizons.
New Horizons in Mental Hygiene I, 7 (July, 1948) A transcription of the publication can be read here.