Textes inédits / thèses

Textes inédits / thèses

Lois et politiques 

Allen, Thomas. Someone to talk to: Care and Control of the homeless. 1997. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1997. Thesis discusses the life experiences of the homeless in BC and their life histories.

Andre, Glenn H. Public Promotion and Mental Health Policy in Saskatchewan, 1920-1975. Unpublished M.A. Thesis: University of Saskatchewan, 1990. 

Angelomatis, Cheryl Sue. Canadian insanity defence reform: Capturing a new spirit of McNaughtan. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1983. Thesis discusses the insanity defence through a legal, medical, social and political lens and considers the evolution of legal doctrines of criminal responsibility.

Barrowman, G. Factors influencing the outcome of community care in a quick response trial in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Unpublished MSc thesis, Memorial University, 1998.

Bouchard, Gilles. L’hôpital psychiatrique en changements. Thèse de maîtrise en sociologie, Université Laval, 1971. 

Boxenbaum, E. The partnership metaphor in Quebec health care policy: The decision-making process with cognitively impaired elderly clients in home care. Unpublished MSW thesis, McGill University, 2001. Thesis discusses the partnership metaphor and how it has been used in the policy and practice of health care in Quebec.

Boys, John F. The Birth of a Community Mental Health Clinic. M.S.W. Report: University of Toronto, 1953. 

Broderick. Lindsay. The disposition of not criminally responsible accused persons in British Columbia: The impact of the Winko case on the decision-making process of the British Columbia Review Board. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2006. Thesis discusses the impact of the Supreme court ruling in the Winko case, which granted absolute discharge, on the BC Review Board. Considers Bill C-30 legislation.

Burnell, Thomas. Constructing Consent: The Emergence of Corporatism within the Vancouver Mental Health System. Unpublished MA thesis, University of British Columbia, 1992. Thesis discusses the relationship between the provincial state and nonprofit societies that were part of Vancouver’s mental health system, focusing on the Coast Foundation Society and the Greater Vancouver Mental Health Services Society.

Bush, Alice-Jeanne. The mentally ill in the federal prison system in British Columbia, who are they and how do they fare?: An exploration. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser, 1992. Thesis discusses deinstitutionalization and the increase of mentally ill offenders in the criminal justice system.

Chambers, Susan. Implementing the 1987 draft plan to downsize Riverview Hospital: Expanding the social control network. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1993. Thesis discusses deinstitutionalization in BC’s Lower Mainland region and the effects it has had on mental health practice, social service workers and ex-patients. Looks at Vancouver’s Downtown East Side.

Colls, M.H. Role of the mental hospital in the provision of service to the adult psychotic patient by the government of British Columbia. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of British Columbia, 1976. Thesis discusses the role of Riverview Hospital within the development of mental health policy and other alternative programs and considers the development of alternatives to the hospital.

Crisanti, Annette S. A Descriptional Longitudinal Cohort Study of Involuntary Psychiatric Inpatients. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Calgary, 1998. Thesis considers the differences in outcomes of involuntary versus voluntary hospitalization and discusses the socio-demographic profiles of patients who are involuntarily hospitalized.

Crow, M.G.S. Police intervention under the Mental Health Act: A comparison of rural and urban approaches. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Ottawa, 1996.

Czaika, Gabrielle. The Social Construction of Female Criminality: Women, Mental Health, and the Criminal Justice System. Unpublished MA thesis, Concordia University, 2001.  Thesis discusses the ideology behind decisions regarding whether individuals go to mental health facilities or penal institutions and considers the role of the social construction of gender in this process.

Davis, Simon Paul. Exploring the impact of Bill C-30 on the handling of mentally disordered offenders. Unpublished PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1994. Thesis discusses the impact of Bill C-30 on the Canadian Criminal Code provisions with regards to accused persons with mental health difficulties.

Dwyer, M. Client satisfaction with services delivered in a mental health crisis centre during its first year of operations. Unpublished MSc thesis, Memorial University, 1998.

Ejiogu, Nwadiogo Ijeoma. “A Clinic for the World”: Race, Biomedical Citizenship and Gendered National Subject Formation in Canada. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 2009. Thesis discusses Canada’s history of using state policy to reject immigrants and maintain Canada as a « white, healthy, fit, and productive » nation and the author’s personal experience with this topic.

Elias, Brenda Mary. Without Intention: Rural Responses to Uncovering the Hidden Aspects of Homelessness in Ontario, 2000 to 2007. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 2009. Thesis discusses rural homelessness and the processes and policy-making that rural communities engage in to address the matter.

Evenson, Daniela. The Impact of Provincial Government Funding Arrangements on Community-Based Nonprofit Organizations Providing Mental Health Services. Unpublished MSW, University of Manitoba, 2000. Thesis discusses a second phase of mental health reform, where the funding of non-profit organizations by the provincial government had significant impact on these community agencies, including increased bureaucratization.

Everett, Barbara Leader. A Fragile Revolution: Consumers and psychiatric survivors confront the power of the mental health system. PhD thesis, York University, 1997. Thesis discusses mental health reform, the involvement of ex-patients and practitioners, centering on the experiences of four individuals.

Epp, T. D. People first: Voicing disability, embodied identity and social policy in Ontario. Unpublished PhD thesis, York University, 1999.

Farrally, Vicki Lea.  An Analysis of Need Assessment in the Mental Health Context.  Unpublished MSc thesis, University of British Columbia, 1975. This thesis discusses the use of needs analysis in the community mental health movement. Considers poverty in this community.

Gagnon, Nathalie C. Mental health screening in jails. Unpublished PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2009. Thesis discusses the legal necessity of screening for mental illness in jail and two tools that were developed to screen more effectively: Brief Jail Mental Health Screen and the Jail Screening Assessment.

Gingell, Christopher Robert. The criminalization of the mentally ill: An examination of the hypothesis. Unpublished PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1991. Thesis discusses the presence of mentally ill individuals in the criminal justice system and their criminalization as one consequence of deinstitutionalization.

Gordon, R.M. Mental disorders, law and state: A sociological analysis of the period of reform in Canadian mental health law. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, 1988. Thesis discusses legal reform in Canadian mental health laws and how it reflects changes in psychiatry, economy and human agency. Details development of community-based mental health resources following de-institutionalization.

Gordon, Robert Macaire. Legal services for mental health patients: a selective review of developments in legal aid/poverty law delivery with particular emphasis on Commonwealth jurisdictions.  Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1981. Thesis discusses recent developments in the mental health law and legal aid/ poverty law movements which have been dominated in Canada by the practitioner’s perceptions of patient needs and a fusion of interests involving the poverty law.

Grenier, Guy. L’histoire de la folie criminelle au Québec de 1840 à 1945, Thèse de doctorat, Université de Montréal, 1998

Grenville, Rita. Unspoken Voices: The Experiences and Preferences of Adult Mental Health Consumers Regarding Housing and Supports. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Calgary, 2000. Thesis examines the mental health consumer movement and the desire of consumers to have input into policy, sharing their experiences mental health, housing and the mental health system.

Hanna, Lisa J. Chronic Manic Depressives, Schizoaffectives and their Female Family Caregivers: The Political Economy of Mental Health Care and the Governance of Madness. Unpublished MA thesis, Carleton University, 1998. Thesis discusses the burden of long-term caregiving for individuals with mental health diagnoses living in the community and how this work is often undertaken by women.

Harron, Erin Elizabeth.  What to do about Whalley? Homelessness in Surrey’s city Centre.  Unpublished MPP, Simon Fraser University, 2007. Thesis discusses homelessness in Whalley, an urban district of the municipality of Surrey, BC, in particular looking at local policy development, stigma, substance abuse and mental health.

Johnson, Cornelia. A History of Mental Health Care in Manitoba: A Local Manifestation of an International Social Movement. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1980. Thesis discusses the development of the mental health system in Manitoba, from the institution to community care, considering changes in psychiatry and treatment, disillusionment with the asylum system and the move to community care. 

Johnston, C.W. Whither the community in community health centres? The limits of primary care reform. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 1999.

Johnson, M. Audrey. The Impact of Gender and Ethnicity on the Use of Mental Health Services: A Case Study of Twenty Immigrant and Refugee Women. Unpublished MSW thesis, University of British Columbia, 1988.  Thesis considers the absence of immigrant and refugee women from discussion of policy issues, programme planning and mental health literature in general and evaluates the socio-economic impacts of migrant experiences.

Joseph, B.E. Stress as a reaction to racism. Unpublished MSW thesis, McGill University, 1999. Thesis discusses how racism and sexism and stress are intertwined, in particular by looking at the lives of Black social service workers, how they experience racism and its impacts.

Josewski, Viviane. Lost in translation? A critical exploration of Aboriginal mental health reform in the Interior Health. Unpublished MSc, Simon Fraser University, 2009. Thesis examines Aboriginal mental health reform, in particular looking at Indigenous participation and considering cultural appropriate mental health models.

Kakuma, R. Utilization of health services for depression and anxiety in Ontario: An eleven-year comparison of determinants. Unpublished PhD thesis, McGill University, 2007. Thesis compares the utilization of health services between 1991 and 2002 in Ontario by people with different mental health diagnoses and discusses enabling or impeding factors for many people, including income.

Kirk-Montgomery, Allison. Courting Madness: Insanity and Testimony in the Criminal Justice System in Victorian Ontario. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 2001.

Klimchuk, D. Involuntariness, agency, and the criminal law. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 1995.

Kress-White, Margaret. The Quest of Inclusion: Understandings of Ableism, Pedagogy, and the Right to Belong. Unpublished MEd thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2009. Thesis discusses how people with disabilities are discriminated against in cultural systems, such as the education system. Considers Canadian and international law and disability rights.

Libbiter, A.P. Asylum, commitment, and psychiatric treatment in historical context. Unpublished MSW thesis, University of British Columbia, 1994. Thesis discusses the interaction of asylum-based care, the dominance of psychiatry, and mental health legislation and considers the consequences of these interactions. Thesis covers deinstitutionalization and the development of community-based alternatives to institutional care.

Macdonald, M. E. Hearing (unheard) voices: Aboriginal experiences of mental health policy in Montreal. Unpublished PhD thesis, McGill University, 2003. Thesis examines the mental health experiences of Indigenous people living in Montreal with regards to policy, and the lack of culturally-sensitive and holistic care services for them. Presents the life stories of three Indigenous Montreal residents.

Marangos-Frost, Sandy. Psychiatric Nurses’ Thoughts and Feelings about Restraint Use: A Decision Dilemma. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Toronto, 1998. Thesis looks at the perspective of psychiatric nurses with regards to physical restraint and considers a constant care policy.

Moran, S. The evolution of the insanity defence: A critical assessment. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Ottawa, 1985.

Nanchof-Glatt, Michele Mari. Referral Practices Between Canadian Family Physicians and Mental Health Practitioners. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Calgary, 1999. Thesis discusses how the referral process between family physicians and mental health practitioners functions within the health care system.

Nijjar, Hartinderjeet. Improving community support programs for the mentally ill. Unpublished MPP, Simon Fraser University, 2009. Thesis examines the policy and the process of deinstitutionalization in order to suggest ways of increasing community support for those living with long-term mental illness.

Norman, William George Christian. A Chapter of Canadian Penal History: The Early Years of the Provincial Penitentiary at Kingston, and the Commission Inquiry Into Its Management, 1835-1851. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Queen’s University, 1979. 

Pranger, B. Mental health consumer involvement in service level decision making: Rhetoric and reality. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Ottawa, 2000.

Reiss, Jennifer Ann. From insanity to mental disorder: An exploration of the insanity defence in British Columbia before and after Bill C-30. Unpublished PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1997. Thesis discusses Bill C-30 (1992) and how the wording of the new legislation impacted legal use of the insanity defence.

Richardson, T.M.R. The Century of the Child: The mental hygiene movement and social policy in the United States and Canada. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, 1987. Thesis discusses the various factors that went into play to create the mental hygiene movement  across North America and considers the impact of the movement on health and social policy.

Roberts, Jennifer K. “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out”: Sterilization and the Policing of Female Sexuality in Twentieth Century Western Canada. Unpublished M.A. Thesis: University of Victoria, 1999.

Sallée, C. Reflection on the legal status of sterilization in contemporary Canada. Unpublished ML, McGill University, 2002.

Smandych, Russell Charles. The Rise of the Asylum in Upper Canada, 1830-1875: An Analysis of Competing Perspectives on Institutional Development in the Nineteenth Century. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1981.  Thesis discusses the origin and development of the asylum, arguing that it was an institutional response to poverty but also created in order to impose social control on those considered deviant.

Smandych, Russell C. The Upper Canadian Experience with Pre-Segregative Control. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Toronto, 1989. 

Thibault, K. Smoke and Mirrors: Reflections of policy and practice for those with a mental illness and who are in conflict with the law. Unpublished MSW thesis, McGill University, 2005. Thesis discusses mental health policy and the language of mental health policy which frames mental health patients in legal terms.

Verlaan, Vincent Leo T. P. R. Riding the decentralization wave: Social control implications of youth mental health reform.  Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1991. Thesis is a critique of decentralization-centred reform at Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre, Coquitlam, BC.

Vrooman, Tamara. The Wayward and the Feeble-Minded: Euthenics, Eugenics, and the Provincial Industrial Home for Girls, 1914-1929. M.A. Thesis: University of Victoria, 1994.

Wacko, William J. Boarding-out Care at the Ontario Hospital, New Toronto: A Study of the Historical Development of Boarding-out Care at the Ontario Hospital, New Toronto, and a Description of the Present Use of this Program, as Revealed by a Statistical Analysis of 182 Case Histories of Patients Placed in Boarding-Out Homes from April 1, 1945 to December 31, 1949. M.S.W. Research Report: University of Toronto, 1951.

Wakeford, Paola. Pathways followed by mentally disordered accused persons: A comparative study of procedures in the Mexican state of Sinaloa and the Canadian province of British Columbia. Unpublished MA thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2003. Thesis compares legal provisions, treatment, and available mental health facilities in BC versus Sinaloa, Mexico.

Walsh, Claire. The community re-entry of mentally disordered offenders in British Columbia. Unpublished MPP, Simon Fraser University, 2007. Thesis discusses the overrepresentation of people with mental health conditions in BC jails and cyclical patterns of commitment for low-level crime, release, failure to re-integrate into the community and re-offence. Considers services that can support with the process of community re- entry.

White, Kimberley-Mair. Negotiating Responsibility: Representations of Criminality and Mind- state in Canadian Law, Medicine and Society, 1920-1950. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 2001.  Thesis discusses the social, cultural, medical, and legal processes that shaped ideas about criminality between 1920 and 1950 and the creation of psychiatric expertise as a form of power over ‘the other’, i.e. gender, race, economically disadvantaged.

Yakimchuk, Rachel. Geographical release patterns and characteristics of not criminally responsible accused persons discharged into the community: An environmental perspective. Unpublished MA, Simon Fraser University, 2005. Thesis traces where people labelled “not criminally responsible” go after they are released from the hospital and discusses their socio-economic situation.

Yip, So-Han Seraphina. Social Workers’ and Physicans’ Experiences with Review Panels in British Columbia. Unpublished MSW thesis, University of British Columbia, 2002.  Thesis discusses BC’s mental health review panels from the perspective of social workers and physicians.