Mad Cities

This exhibit space is dedicated to making public the mad history of cities – in Canada and beyond. Mad culture and activism often flourish in urban spaces, perhaps because public displays of difference are generally more easily accepted in larger more anonymous centres. We look forward to growing this exhibit space with mad urban history from across the country.
Legacies of MPA

Legacies of MPA

Explore a public history exhibit about Canada’s first patient led organization.

Go to Legacies

Toronto Activists

Toronto Activists

Learn about the history of psych survivor activism in Toronto.

Go to Activists

Museum of the Mind

Museum of the Mind

Explore Netherland’s public repository of psychiatry’s past.

Go to Museum

The Inmates

The Inmates

Watch our 2013 historical documentary about the MPA.

Go to The Inmates

Making Mad City

Making Mad City

Be part of expanding Mad City.

Go to Making Mad City