Beckman Papers: Box 1
1. A Proposal for a New MPA Structure: paper (or speech) by Lanny Beckman proposing the formation of Support Groups to replicate the “closeness” of the early years of the MPA. For the October MPA Conference. Includes two short newspaper articles at the end about the MPA one year after founding. Dated April 2 1972.
2. A Talk on Women and Psychiatry For Womens Health Symposium: a paper outlining the image of women in culture and psychiatry. Discusses how women’s psychiatry is used to reinforce the “cultural status quo”. Discusses rise in female mental health patients. By Eve-Lynne Rubin. Dated June 1974.
3. A Week in the Life With MPA: an account by Don Weitz [un-named] from Toronto who came to Vancouver to see and experience the MPA at the West End House for a week. Discusses much of the day to day life and operation of the MPA. No year given.
4. An Interview with an MPA Member: an anonymous autobiography by a female MPA member that details her childhood and her experiences with psychiatry and the MPA. Dated June 1974.
5. Article on Neurotics: newspaper article titled “Many neurotics said hospitalized needlessly”. Mainly consist of an interview with a Dr. Ferdinand Knobloch. The Province, May 20, 1972.
6. Article on state government: article from the Vancouver Sun titled “State gov’t acts to keep patients” about a US district court ruling in Pennsylvania that would allow 14,000 mental patients that were committed by family members to go free. Dated July 8, 1971 (might be 1976).
7. Articles on Bob Hunter and the MPA: two newspaper clippings. One on the MPA, discussing its services and contact info. The other is an opinion piece by Bob Hunter about a book called ‘The Radical Therapist’. It also talks about the MPA in relation to the book. Dated April 2, 1972.
8. Attitudes toward Mental Illness: first draft of a paper that discusses the ‘propaganda’ of mental health literature and purposes that its entire point is to gain support for the mental health industry. Dated Feb 11, 1974.
9. Bob Hunter original documents: collection of newspaper articles by Bob Hunter from the Vancouver Sun. Various dates.
10. CC of Kits MHP Agenda: Citizens Committee of the Kitsilano Mental Health Project agenda for a meeting on June 16, 1973. Includes budget proposal and comments on it.
11. Centennial Cultural Fund: two pieces of legislation. The First is the Centennial Cultural Fund Act (March 1967). The other amends the first act to allow additional money into the Centennial Cultural Fund.
12. Charitable Organization License (water damaged): notification of Registration for Charitable Organization for the Vancouver Mental Patients Association Society. Dated March 24, 1971.
13. Community Advisory Board: paper on Community Advisory Board on Mental Health Services in Kitsilano. Includes Objectives list and Structure list.
14. Company of Young Canadians Annual Report (French): Company of Young Canadians Annual Report dated March 31, 1972. Includes article on the MPA (page 10) with pictures.
15. Company of Young Canadians Annual Report: English version of pervious PDF (number 14). Exact same articles and everything. MPA on page 10. Dated March 31, 1972.
16. Dear MPA Member: letter to MPA members urging support for proposal to make all office and research jobs for ex-mental patients only. By Judi Chamberlin and Ted Chabasinkski and additional letter of support by Stan Persky.
17. Demonstration Schedule March 30: tentative schedule for demonstration at Riverview Hospital on March 30, 1973. Includes list of slogans. Dated March 28, 1973.
18. Evaluation of MPA as an Opportunities Placement: an assessment by the Vancouver Opportunities Program of the MPA as a placement for psychiatric patients over a nine month period following MPA’s application as a placement. Dated Jan 31, 1972
19. Explorations Programs Letter: letter to the Explorations Program at The Canada Council about getting information on publishing grants by Lanny Beckman. Dated Jan 11, 1974
20. Explorations Program: response to Lanny Beckman’s earlier letter for information. Includes pamphlet from Explorations Program and response by Lanny Beckman about expanding the In a Nutshell Newspaper.
21. Finance Committee Recommend Budget: Finance Committee Recommended Budget for the July 1973 to Nov 1973 period. Dated July 4, 1973.
22. In A Nutshell July 72: In a Nutshell from July 1972. Article on a new house for the MPA.
23. July Budget: LEAP Budget for MPA for August 1973 to July 1974 with option to renew for an additional two years. Has additional notes. Dated July 25, 1973.
24. KCC for MH two minutes: two sets of minutes for the Kitsilano Citizens Committee for Mental Health. Dated June 5, 1973 and May 22, 1973. Significant topics include formation of steering committee (May 22) and formation of a three person personnel committee.
25. KCC on MH Budget and Comments: Kitsilano Citizens’ Committee on Mental Health budget proposals for different programs (an Eight Bed Crisis Hostel, and a mental health team center). Contains comments on Budget.
26. Kits Public Meeting May 16 Agenda: agenda for public meeting at Kits United Church with proposals for citizen involvement. Dated May 16 (no year). Also includes general guidelines for a community advisory board on mental health services in Kitsilano.
27. LEAP Support Letters: large collection (76 pages) of letters of support for the MPA from various professionals including doctors and social workers. In particular they state their support for MPA receiving a 3-year grant from the department of Manpower and Immigration.
28. Letter Concerning Publishers: a letter to Mr. Beckman from a UBC librarian concerning publishers for a mental health publication. Includes list of publishers (some are checked off) and blank letters. Jan 1974.
29. Letter From Vancouver City Clerk: two letters from the City Clerks office concerning the approval of a $3000 grant and that surplus furnishings from the Angelus Hotel will be granted to the MPA. Dated May 21 and Nov 25, 1971.
30. Letter from the Dept. of National Revenue: a letter from the Department of National Revenue stating that ‘In a Nutshell’ (the MPA newspaper) is exempt from federal sales tax. Nov 19, 1973
31. Letter to Dept. of National Revenue: letter to the Department of National Revenue requesting an exemption from federal sales tax. Dated Nov 14, 1973.
32. Letter to MHP director: letter to the Acting Executive Director of the Greater Vancouver Mental Health Project (Mr. R.H. Goodacre) requesting that he stop work on Kitsilano related projects until the citizens advisory committee is up and running.
33. Letter to the Editor: letter to the Editor of The Sun stating the MPA’s support for Dr. Foulkes statements against the Riverview Mental Hospital.
34. Letters concerning Grants: multiple letters concerning grants to the MPA from various organizations and charities, including the Office of the City Clerk, and the Minister of Rehabilitation and Social Improvement. Dates span from 1971 to 1972.
35. Letters Concerning Various Grants: letters granting various amounts of money to the MPA from various organizations. Most seem dated around 1971.
36. Letters Regarding the Political and Economic Implications of Canadian Psychiatry: a series of letters and other documents concerning getting a paper titles “On the Political and Economic Implications of Canadian Psychiatry” by Lanny Beckman published. Includes letters, business cards and notes. Start July 18 1974.
37. Letters to L. Beckman: three government letters to Lanny Beckman not giving funds. Includes brochure for the Canadian Council Explorations Programme. January 1974.
38. Letters to Publishers on Publications catalogues: letters by Lanny Beckman requesting catalogues from publishers. Dated February 1974.
39. Letters to Publishing Company: letters to Publishing companies requesting cataloges. Dated January/ February 1974.
40. LIP Application from MPA (2): application for the Local Initiatives Program that describes work to be undertaken by the MPA, positions needed, costs of the project and other topics. Has additional notes referencing the LEAP March 1973 application. Dated 1972-1973
41. LIP Application from MPA (incomplete): application for the Local Initiatives Program that describes work to be undertaken by the MPA, positions needed, costs of the project and other topics. Dated Nov 5, 1971 / Nov 10, 1972.
42. LIP Grant request: two letters to a Mr. Herd of the Special Employment Program and a Mr. Mackie of the Department of Manpower and Immigration concerning the MPA’s application for the Local Initiatives Program (LIP). Nov 5/8, 1971.
43. Madness Unmasked: a collection of creative fiction pieces by members of the MPA. Includes art, songs, poetry and stories. Copyright 1974.
44. MBH of GV meeting May 29 ’73: minutes of a meeting of the Greater Vancouver Metropolitan Mental Health Advisory and Planning Committee on May 29, 1973.
45. Meeting Questionnaire May 19: a questionnaire for the Kitsilano Community Board on Mental Health Services. Dated May 19, 1973.
46. Mental Health Act: the official legal text of the 1964 Mental Health Act.
47. Mental Patients and the Law: letters concerning hiring legal researchers on the topic of legal and civil rights of mental health patients. Some research papers, legal course listings and legal documents. Letters dated May/June 1972.
48. Mental Patients Rights Committee: a schedule for demonstration on March 30, 1973. Contains list of chants/slogans. Dated March 28, 1973.
49. Minutes KCMHP May 16: minutes of a May 16 (no year) meeting by the Kitsilano Community Mental Health Project. Includes list of people who want to be on the Community Advisory Board with phone numbers and addresses.
50. MPA 1972 Grant Application: letter and enclosed application for Opportunities for Youth Grant for the summer on 1972. Dated Feb 21, 1972.
51. MPA article: short newspaper articles by the MPA describing the Mental Patients Association and their goals. No date.
52. MPA Guide to Employee Performance Appraisal: tongue-in-cheek MPA Employee appraisal form.
53. MPA Information Leaflet: an information leaflet for the MPA. Details the Drop-In center, residences, rules, etc.
54. MPA Letters of Support: various letters of support from doctors, Government Departments, members of the legislator, etc stating their support for the MPA. Dated around March 1973.
55. MPA Local Employment Assistance Program Application: application for three-year grant from the Local Employment Assistance Program with introductory letter, enclosed letters of support and supporting documents. Dated March 15, 1973.
56. MPA Newsletter Sept 23 1971: A couple of MPA Newsletters from September/November 1971 with articles written by MPA members, job listings and other information. Issues #7 and #8.
57. MPA Opportunities for Youth: series of letters from doctors supporting the MPA’s application for a grant from the Opportunities for Youth Program. Dated around February 1972.
58. MPA re 1972 Civic grant: pplication for a Civic Grant from the city of Vancouver with introductory letter. Includes application with budget. Dated January 14, 1972.
59. MPA registration notice: a Notification of Registration for a charitable organization for the MPA. Dated March 24, 1971.
60. Newsweek Aug 7 1972: an article from Newsweek about the Democrat Vice-Presidential nominee’s (Thomas Eagleton) admittance of have undergone electroshock therapy for depression. Dated August 7, 1972.
61. Notes on Budget: handwritten notes on the budget for the Crisis Hotel and for the Center budget. No Date.
62. November 1973 Budget: budget for November 1973. List of expenses and grants.
63. Nutshell Dist. List: handwritten and typed list of locations and people that In a Nutshell gets distributed to.
64. On the Political and Economic Implications of Canadian Psychiatry: research article on the effects of the growing mental health field on the general public’s perception of mental health and the effects of medical “propaganda” on public policy and lawmaking. By Lanny Beckman and Stan Persky. Dated January 1974.
65. Plan for Vancouver: a study by Dr. John Cumming concerning the development of additional psychiatric services in Greater Vancouver. With additional notes in the margins. No date.
66. Projected Budget May ’73: projected budget (without salaries) from a January 1973 finance meeting. Done for period ending May 31, 1973.
67. Projected Monthly Overhead Budget: projected monthly overhead budget form July 1 to Nov 30 1973. With handwritten notes. Dated July 2, 1973.
68. Proposals For Reform in area of Mental Health Care: a paper titled “Proposals for Reform in the Area of Mental Health Care in British Columbia” by the MPA that was submitted to the Commission of Enquiry into Mental Health in British Columbia. Talks about state of mental health in BC. Dated February, 1973.
69. Psychology Anti-Textbook outline: an outline for a book that criticizes conventional teachings in psychology. Is targeted at undergraduates studying psychology. By Lanny Beckman and Phil Brown. No date.
70. Research And Political Action: paper that discuses the difficulties in reforming or making the MPA into a more radical, political organization. Talks about different means and methods to achieve this.
71. Research Committee Working Proposal: paper suggesting a more proactive research section of the MPA. Suggests that empathy be placed on internal education and external education. No date.
72. References List: handwritten list of references in alphabetical order. No Date.
73. Review of On the Political and Economic Implications of Canadian Psychiatry (Handwritten) p1-7: handwritten review of an article in the Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal. Criticises the article for its position against the Human Potential Movement. No date.
74. Review of On the Political and Economic Implications of Canadian Psychiatry (handwritten) p8: another page of above article.
75. Review of On the Political and Economic Implications of Canadian Psychiatry: typed version of above article. No Date.
76. Salary Committee: salaries of various people and different proposals for pay cuts. Dated Jan 14, 1974.
77. The Canada Council: letter and attached booklet about the Canada Council’s programs of support for books and journals. January 7, 1974.
78. Vancouver Mental Health Project: agenda and related documents for meeting of the Citizens Committee of the Greater Vancouver Mental Health Project. Included documents include Policy Guidelines, changes to the Mental Health Act, and a budget Estimate.
79. Various Budget Proposals: large collection of budget proposals spanning a period of 1972-1973. Some handwritten and some typed.
80. Various Gov’t Letters: various letters from Lanny Beckman to government persons and organizations, requesting information or funding for publishing books and newspapers.
81. Various meeting minutes: collection of minutes of meetings, agendas for meetings and some newspaper articles for the Kitsilano Committee on Mental Health. Also has some budget work. Dated around summer 1973.
82. Various meeting minutes_0001: collection of meeting minutes, budget proposals and agendas. Summer 1973.
83. Various Psych. Statistics: earnings of various medical professionals and other statistics on various groups of medical professionals. Info dated from 1969-1973.
84. Various small research bits: some newspaper articles, pamphlets and handwritten notes on psychiatry. No Date.
85. VMPAS Policies Principle: Vancouver Mental Patients Association Society document titled “Policies, Principles, Goals and Progress”. Dated April 16, 1971.
86. VMPAS receipts statement for March 1973: Vancouver Mental Patients Association Society statements of receipts and disbursements for the months of March, April and May 1973.
87. Wednesday’s Child: review of movie called Wednesday’s Child that “depicts an ordinary English family that drives one of its members crazy.” Dated June 23, 1973.